City Recorder

Diane Hirschi, City Recorder

The City Recorder’s Office maintains and preserves the official records of Plain City including the proceedings of the City Council.  The Recorder’s Office maintains all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council and keeps the Municipal Code.
The Recorder’s Office coordinates and conducts Municipal Elections.  Election information is maintained by this office and it accepts applications from candidates seeking to run for public office within Plain City.

The Recorder’s Office administrates the City’s Public Records Request Program.  The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) established by the State of Utah, allows the public to make a request for a record from the appropriate Utah government official or agency.

Other duties of this office include; administering the counter signature and seal for official City documents, maintaining a public file of contracts, and Industrial Revenue Bonds, overseeing the publication of official notices, and administering the Mutual Commitment Registry.